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Looking for custom sawmill services? TC Woods provides custom milling of logs and re-sawing of cants at our yard in Ft. Lupton.  



BandSaw: Minimum 10" diameter & 4' Long. Maximum 40" diameter & 15' Long.

Greatest Efficiency is 12-36" diameter @ 4'-14' Lengths


Leave logs as long as you can transport; cut above crotches; paint ends within 24 hours; mill green!



$100-$120/hr depending on the shape & condition of the log.

($80 minimum)

Fees generally work out to $1/board foot or better.

Metal in your log is $10-$30 per incident.



We Pay for locally sourced logs brought to us, and can mill in trade as well.  See Log Values on "Resources' page



We are able to re-saw cants that are at least 5" thick with our bandsaw mill. Unfortunately, we are not equipped to re-saw thinner slabs, nor to saw veneers.

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